3 Signs of Septic Tank Failure

Woman offended by smell of toilet while plunging

If you’ve ever had to deal with a septic tank failure, then you know it’s an absolute nightmare. To keep you from having to call in a panic for emergency septic tank pumping in the Rock Hill, SC area, Carter Quality Plumbing has a way to help. Here are several signs that may indicate that your septic tank is about to fail:

  1. Raw sewage backup – If you see (or smell) raw sewage coming back up from your toilet, shower, or sink, it’s a pretty good bet that your septic tank is failing. You’ll need to call immediately for septic tank pumping in Rock Hill, SC.
  2. Bright green grass – Is the patch of grass around your septic tank greener and healthier than the rest of your yard? This is an indicator of septic tank failure. In this case, your tank may be overflowing, meaning it’s producing fertilizer for this specific area of your lawn.
  3. High levels of bacteria – You should routinely check your home’s water quality. If the tests come back showing an increase in the levels of bacteria in your water, your septic tank could be leaking. This isn’t just a sign of failure; it can also be a serious health hazard.

Call Carter Quality Plumbing and let us come to your home for routine septic tank maintenance. We’re a quality pumping and septic tank service that guarantees expert septic tank pumping in Rock Hill, SC and the greater Charlotte area of the Carolinas.

Carter Quality Plumbing provides plumbing and septic services for Lancaster, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and surrounding areas of North Carolina and South Carolina. Contact us for more information!
