4 Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes

dripping faucet

It seems like spring is just around the corner. Trees and flowers are starting to bloom and the days are getting longer—and a little warmer, too! However, that doesn’t mean we’re completely done with freezing temperatures. As we know all too well, February and March can be prime time for cold snaps and winter weather. Frozen pipes are one of the most common plumbing repairs we see this time of year. Here are some tips to help you avoid this potentially damaging situation.

  1. Let your faucets drip. This isn’t just an old wives’ tale. When temperatures are predicted to be more than a few degrees below freezing, let your interior taps drip. Try to get a balance between hot and cold water.
  2. Open cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom. This will allow warm air to circulate around the pipes below your sinks. Every little bit of warmth can make a big difference!
  3. Cover outside spigots. Hardware and big box stores sell foam insulators that attach to outside spigots. They only cost a few dollars but will stop below-freezing air from entering your pipes.
  4. Keep your house warm. If you have a programmable thermostat, you probably let the temperature drop down while you’re gone during the day. However, make sure you keep the heat set at a minimum of 65 degrees. Any lower and you’ll increase the chances of frozen pipes.

If you suspect that your pipes are frozen, it’s important to take proper precautions as you thaw them. Otherwise, you run the risk of the pipe bursting. Don’t take a chance—call a professional plumber in your area to handle the job. Carter Quality Plumbing provides quality plumbing repairs in Fort Mill, Lancaster, Tega Cay, Rock Hill, Indian Land, and surrounding areas of South Carolina. Call today for anytime plumbing services.

Carter Quality Plumbing provides plumbing and septic services for Lancaster, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and surrounding areas of North Carolina and South Carolina. Contact us for more information!

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