5 Summer Water Efficiency Tips

Little girl smiling as she turns on faucet

During the summer season, we tend to use more water. Whether it’s for your pool, irrigation system, garden, or watering your car, you can probably tell a difference in your water bill this time of year. As a Rock Hill plumber, the team at Carter Quality Plumbing knows you don’t want to waste water. That’s why we’ve put some tips together on how you can improve your water efficiency and save money this summer:

  1. Invest in water-efficient dishwashers and washing machines – Today’s appliances are designed to conserve water and save money.
  2. Install faucet aerators – These handy devices can help you save up to 700 gallons of water a year!
  3. Choose water-efficient toilets and shower heads – With today’s technology, we’re able to have more efficient household fixtures such as water-saving toilets and showerheads. Call a Rock Hill plumber to install these in your home and you’ll see the savings!
  4. Don’t let the water run – Make sure to turn the water off while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing vegetables. You may not think it helps to save water, but you’d be surprised by how much you can conserve by turning off the water during these small tasks.
  5. Take shorter showers – Long showers use tons of water and baths are even worse. Try to make them shorter – your wallet will thank you!

Are you still concerned about high water bills or wasted water? Give Carter Quality Plumbing a call. We offer superior customer service, quality plumbing inspections, and expert plumbing repairs in Indian Land, Rock Hill, Lancaster, Fort Mill, Tega Cay, and surrounding areas of the Carolinas.

Carter Quality Plumbing provides plumbing and septic services for Lancaster, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and surrounding areas of North Carolina and South Carolina. Contact us for more information!
