Four Signs It’s Time to Repipe Your Home


Your plumbing system consists of thousands of feet of pipes that carry water from your main water connection throughout your home to where it’s needed. These pipes are all under constant use day after day, year after year, and that means it’s crucial that they’re in good condition. Pipes are built to last—everything from modern plastic materials to traditional options like galvanized steel or copper can last for decades, but they all will eventually need to be replaced. As time passes and day after day of use takes its toll on your plumbing lines, eventually you’ll experience problems ranging from mild to serious in severity.

When you start experiencing problems with your plumbing lines, then the best option may be to do away with these lines entirely and replace them with an entirely new plumbing network—a service known as a whole-home repipe. Any home will need repiped eventually, and that means there’s a good chance you may need to have this done at some point while you own your home. However, how do you know when the time has come to have this done for your home? The easiest way is to pay attention to the symptoms. Here are four signs you should consider a whole-home repipe service soon.

Your Plumbing Is Approaching Its Expected Lifespan

Every plumbing system is going to need to be replaced eventually, and likewise each material has a particular amount of time you can reasonably expect it to last before replacement will become necessary. For some materials, you may not need to repipe your home for 50 years or more. For other materials, you may need to repipe within 20 to 25 years. There are other factors at work as well, including water quality, water pressure, and frequency of use. If your plumbing system is approaching the end of its expected lifespan, you may want to get ahead of it and have your home repiped. Of course, an expected lifespan is not a guarantee that your plumbing will wear out by that point, but the further you go beyond that point, the more likely it is that you’ll find yourself dealing with an emergency or an urgent need for a repipe when you least expect it.

Your Plumbing Is Made from a Flawed or Recalled Material

Throughout the 1970s, homes throughout the United States were constructed using a material known as polybutylene, or Quest plumbing. These pipes are a type of distinct gray plastic that was popular due to its light weight, low cost, and ease of cutting and manipulation during construction. However, after a few years, it was determined that this type of plumbing was prone to scaling and flaking, resulting in weaker pipes and an increase in leaks and pipe bursts. The pipes were officially recalled, but there are still thousands of homes around the country that still have them installed. If your plumbing uses this or any other type of recalled plumbing, then it’s extremely important that you consider having it repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Your Plumbing Is Leaking Frequently

One leak every so often may not seem like a big deal, but if you’re frequently making a call to a plumber because you’ve got yet another pipe leak somewhere in your home, then you absolutely should have your home repiped. Leaks are caused by pipes wearing out or giving out under the pressure and day to day usage that you subject them to, and frequent leaks mean your pipes can’t handle it anymore. Replacing your pipes with new, modern plumbing will not only improve the dependability and functionality of your plumbing, but your home safety as well.

Your Water Quality Is Degrading Rapidly

Does your water have a sort of reddish tinge to it? Does it have a distinctly metallic odor or taste? Are your plumbing fixtures becoming caked with limescale that’s extremely difficult to remove? If your plumbing is constructed from a metal material, such as galvanized steel or copper, these are signs that your lines are corroding and need replaced soon. Corrosion typically starts slow, but over time the process speeds up and larger and larger areas become impacted by the constant exposure to the oxygen in water. This means you likely have thin and brittle areas in your plumbing line that are prone to leaks or bursting, particularly under high pressure. If you find this issue, have a professional test your water to confirm you’re dealing with a high concentration of metal and then schedule a repipe service as soon as possible.

Do you need a whole-home repipe? Call Carter Quality Plumbing at (803) 998-2270 today to request an estimate or schedule a consultation.